"climb every woman "
err--no. only the live ones.
i thought that as there seems to have been some very serious sh-stuff being discussed lately maybe a light hearted thread might be in order .
i was thinking about misheard song lyrics ( climb every woman ) and it seemed a good topic for a thread .to start off for many years l thought that fat boy slim was singing about some very posh shoes with funk soul rubber on the bottom .
has anyone else realised that they have been singing the wrong words ?
"climb every woman "
err--no. only the live ones.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
i heard on UK BBC tv news that ( someone / people ? ) are gonna have to kiss his ring. Is that another American tradition ?
i recently came across the above watchtower article which spoke about conducting bible studies which lead to baptism.
it progressed to say that if the bible study instructor does not see growth within the student or the desire to work towards baptism, then the studies should end.
come to think of it..how long is each study visit meant to last ?
suppose a pioneer has several weekly studies line up--say one each afternoon. all afternoon. say 3 hours each. in that time some mention is made of the bible. breaks for tea etc. if its with an elderly person at home the time could include other fine christan works..like cooking the person a meal--cleaning the home..doing laundry--other odd jobs.
the elderly person would be most grateful--and happy to pay the JW pioneer for their time---and speak highly to all their friends about how kindly and christian the JW pioneer is--and recommend to others.
end of the week--thats 5 x 3 hours time..15 hours, plus 5 studies..plus literature placed.
and ..wages !
everyones a winner.
much worse here now, Simon. even where i live--the isle of wight; which had got away lightly before. now in lockdown again. But the vaccine programme is underway--so hopefully things will get better by the spring time.
my son, only child, age 19, college sophomore, just got his first used car.
most importantly, he learned the fun and exhilarating process of buying a used car from a dealer.
he had saved some money, but everything around the $5000 range was basically a shit box on wheels.
years ago...a chap i knew was driving a smart vw golf gti--i thought he must be doing ok--till i saw the screw driver in the ignition. STOLEN !
my son, only child, age 19, college sophomore, just got his first used car.
most importantly, he learned the fun and exhilarating process of buying a used car from a dealer.
he had saved some money, but everything around the $5000 range was basically a shit box on wheels.
my dad bought a banger for both of us--and mum--to learn in. once we had all passed the test he bought a brand new car--and gave me the banger. i straight away sold it--for a profit--bought a van and shoved a mattress in the back. you can guess the rest.
i recently came across the above watchtower article which spoke about conducting bible studies which lead to baptism.
it progressed to say that if the bible study instructor does not see growth within the student or the desire to work towards baptism, then the studies should end.
even i can remember the 6 months time limit--that was in the late 60's. it was easy to find lonely old people to spend an hour with--provided their room was warm on a cold winters afternoon.
well--the shit has really hit the fan now in the UK. highest figures since it began--only now the really cold weather ( for the UK ) is just starting--not getting warmer like at the start last spring..
ive got a feeling its going to go from bad to a lot worse. i hope i'm wrong.
i dont know of anyone who has been vaccinated yet.
i ran a poll on a facebook group--asking if people would be prepared to pay for the vac to jump the queue--a few said yes--the vast majority said no--that they would NOT have the vac AT ALL !